I enjoy listening to this kind of music. My only problem I am having is finding video's I can post that don't have them advertising the support of legalizing marijuana. I don't want people to think I support this and it seemed every video I was looking at had it posted somewhere on it, I just love the music.
Not that this song is new(although I don't remember hearing it before) but as I was driving yesterday morning it came on the radio and I can't get it out of my head. Jason Mraz gives a great vibe and groovy upbeat feeling in this song that stays with you all day.
Since it was my birthday yesterday, I got the best gift ever given to me from my childhood friend. My friend called me up yesterday(more like text me) to tell me she bought me a gift. She handed me a wrapped gift that was clearly a big hardback book. She wouldn't let me open it in front of her. My mind was working to think what kind of book she got me. Before I opened it, it came to me what the book was, I had a conversation with her a week ago where she was telling me she found some of our high school yearbooks on ebay. I told her how I had my junior yearbook but I never got my senior yearbook(can't remember why I never got it). Any ways I now have my senior yearbook thanks to my best friend.
Shadows of the Night by Pat Bentar was and is still my favorite song. I got my nickname from this song (of course I'm not going to say what my nickname is) but back then all my friends had nicknames.
Today many will gather and enjoy a day of being together. Go to the table hungry and look around you for it's not the food you should be hungry for. Yes be hungry for the food but you should be hungry for the ones in your life and for those who can't be with you.
Four years ago today, I got to experience the energy, the pulse of NYC. I'm a country girl and I wouldn't want it any other way, but this city holds so much art, so much life! I just had to be a part of it, even if it was only for three days.
these photos were taken with a smaller camera so the quality is poor
When I first heard this song I thought it was a new song by Kings of Leon. Nope it's by a group called Neon Trees (weird name for a group). I guess I was thinking it came from Leon since the style and sound of the group seems similiar to them.