

Sunday, July 22, 2012

part 2 of trip

While I was in DC , I got to go see some of the places.  up until now i have only seen Washington DC in a book or on TV.
I wish I got to spend more time on this part of my trip but timing wasn't right and the heat didn't help either.
I got to see the Lincoln Memorial and the White House. We passed a lot of the others up since we only had time for a couple of places.

I stood in front of the wall were the his two famous speeches are and took notice to certain words that stood out to me. 

                              DO WE PRAY



          Drive -bys of places I want to see the next time I come

For some reason I always thought the White House was more visiable from the gates but with all the trees and shrubs, you can only see this, but it was still nice to see this grand building where our Nation Presidents have lived (well most of them).

This ends the first part of my trip.  Next stop was Virginia Beach, VA  to visit with my freind Betsy.


  1. When I went to DC, we stayed in the lesser embassy area, a stop away from the zoo. My ex and I would get up and walk early in the morning when no one was up and about except the Muslims. We would hear their prayers drifting on the air and loved it. It was the first time I saw my husband cry, when we visited the Viet Nam wall... WE had to find SEVEN names.

    But I loved the raised row houses nearby, and could picture sitting on the front stoops, watching the world go by. Each night we'd eat in one of the neighborhood restaurants, usually going DOWN to go into them.

    I loved being in the city and have loved seeing your pictures!

    1. Yes Jeannette, I loved the old style buidings every where you looked. There was so much to see that I had to pass up was the only part of this trip I regret. I'm looking into maybe going back next year where I can spend more days there exploring and stopping at sites like the Zoo and the Wall. Oh I would love place that are tucked away in neighborhoods that are Down to get to them!!
